Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

the owner

How do you stay in the field of early childhood?
1. Have you read or read anything on your “list”? It is a great time of year to decide on their mailing list (s)!
If you do not read, why not? If the magazine is not what you want to receive, call the company and cancel it. If due to rapidly undo, confirm with the company that is automatic renewal.
Repeat this process for each magazine you receive.
You should not be reduced to a list of magazines you do and keep reading.
If you do not read because they never seem to have the time to do the time!
I have a basket that put the magazines after reading them. Mhmmm, right. You and I know that I’m not going to forget or be unable to remember where I read that great article on separation anxiety! This is what I started doing a few months after the decision on a number of suggested journals:
I went through my collection of a specific journal (and I receive every month 4) and broke the articles I liked and wanted to continue. I can set up a folder for items that remain (growth and development of separation anxiety) and recycled to the rest of the magazine.
When a magazine just now, I take the time to read through it, make the points you want to keep (put a note on the page) and when you have finished reading the magazine, immediately return the items marked, and pull the file (usually is only 2 or 3 per store).
I know he has a superb collection of articles in the resources at my fingertips, and no longer needs three baskets in the home of all magazines (if three, I have kept for several years!).
Here are your measures, based on Preschool Plan Your motto it seems, is the plan! Here’s how:
1. Wanted!
Choose one of your subscriptions. Call and cancel if you do not appreciate it and recycle what you have if you know you see them again!
2. Search!
Go through the magazines they have left. Find the items you want to keep the magazines that like to pull and staple. Recycle the rest.
3. Plan!
Articles by Topic. Create a folder for each and place them where you can access during the planning time.
It may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you also have years of journals published each month as it did to pass the time, but you will be happy to finish!
Cheryl Hatch has worked with preschool children and their families since 1995. He has over 15 years experience teaching and directing preschool programs. She is the owner of the nursery Plan-It site.

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