Bird nests soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine for five hundred years since the Ming Dynasty.
Because of the scarcity and high demand, especially in mainland China, the nest sold at higher prices.
The Swiftlet bird is the only species capable of producing an edible birds’ nests. ” It lives in small parts of the world. These areas include the island of Hainan in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (composed of Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan) and the Philippines .
There are three main types of edible swallows’ nests are the main ingredient in the production of the soup.
The first type is swiftlet nest white. It has a scientific name called fuciphagus Aerodramus. It is about 12 inches long and weighs about 16 grams. It has gray-brown feathers and dark brown eyes. The bird’s nest weighs about 4.5 to 8 grams.
It builds the nest of some large edible lobes of the salivary glands under the tongue. The male builds the nest swiftlet. 85-97% of sticky strands nest swiftlet saliva of. Swiftlets builds the nest three times a year. The female lays two eggs swiftlet any time during the breeding season.
The purpose built swiftlet farmers prefer to keep white house swallows nesting. They will try to lure their roost and nest in homes swiftlet swiftlet playing prerecorded sounds.
The second type is black swiftlet nest. It is larger than nest swiftlet white. Its length is about 13 centimeters and weighs about 28 grams.
It builds the nest dark saliva mixed with the spring and plant materials. The legs are filled with feathers. The springs are used in the construction of its nest. 5-15% of the swiftlet nests, the son sticky salivary glands. Most of the bottles or cans of bedding products are made of this kind of swiftlet nest.
The third type is swiftlet nest grass. Its scientific name is Collocalia esculenta. It has a dark blue body. It is smaller than nest swiftlet nest swiftlet white and black. Its length is about 9 inches.
Herbs mixed with saliva to its nest. The nest is brown and contains 5-15% of salivary glands swiftlet son sticky. Restaurants prefer this type of swiftlet nests for soup to be had. In the city, it remains in small colonies in some shaded buildings. In the forest, it builds its nest under the rock overhang.