Sabtu, 30 April 2011

arti cinta

Even if your dog is not diabetic at the time, the value of your pet insurance, and therefore a comparison between different policy areas. The cheapest insurance for pets is not always the most comprehensive coverage, so if your dog develops health problems are left to foot the bill.
Cataract is a disease where the lens of the eye becomes opaque. Cataracts may appear as bright white areas or in the eyes of your dog. Your pet will not be possible, as in the affected area when the cataract is large enough to show, a dog is completely blind in that eye.
Although cataracts rarely cause symptoms, they may lead to other painful conditions such as uveitis lens (Liu) and glaucoma.Once these complications have become established, can a cataract operation impossible. So if you notice a cataract forms, ask your veterinarian.
Cataracts can develop so rapidly that once a developing country, said in a few days. If so, it is worth your vet immediately.Cataract surgery tends to remain on the same day of surgery without the need for a hospital stay. It may be reassuring to know that your pet in a familiar environment to recover.

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