Jumat, 29 April 2011


Place the monitor in the existing bracket that attaches to the windshield. Use the screw with the instructor of the unit in the cradle secure. You will then be on the way to A / V cable is required by the A / V selection box directly on the monitor itself. Then the A / V cables to connect the monitor cable A / V Get cable ties to attach the cables to avoid suspension.
Now it’s time to get your battery connects to repair your vehicle. Start your vehicle and select the monitor on the rear A / V selection box. When properly installed the video monitor should come with an immediate demand for the installation of equipment and preferences.
There are things to be careful when looking at a mirror, you need panels to channel A / V thread. Again, consult the manual of your vehicle to remove the timber. The reason why we proposed to remove the battery, because they violate, they can in a shock and damage to your GPS rear view mirror. This is not your mirror for things like watching a video while driving, because it is not only illegal but dangerous to use. Finally, as a final backup if you are unsure about installing bluetooth rearview mirror, a professional do it.Audio and Video | PostTagIcon Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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