Kamis, 21 April 2011

bukan pujian

As an educator today is very exciting. It shall be 2011. We rolled into a new year and there are so many educational opportunities on the horizon. technological advances of today are changing the world inventions of paper or the printing press monumental. Information is dosed at ever higher speeds.
But the speed and the methods we use to absorb information not changed, but our access to and the way we handle it has changed.
As humans, we use to process information the same way that we always – through our five senses. For education, we usually leave to our eyes, ears and touch. If you have a smartphone or mobile device (especially an IPAD), you hold an incredible educational tool in your hands. Why, you ask? Because it is interactive and multi-sensory.
How is an iPad, in contrast to a computer that is another question that may ask? Here are my top 5 reasons why a iPad superior to an ordinary computer manuals, and even when it comes to learning.

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